Visual C# 與 Xamarin 跨平台行動 App 開發實戰 ─ iOS/Android/Windows 一次搞定
Author: 林泰宏 陸浩翔 張朝銘 / Publisher: 碁峰資訊
初探 NFC:近距離無線通訊與 Arduino、Android 和 PhoneGap (Beginning NFC: Near Field Communication with Arduino, Android, and PhoneGap)
Author: Tom Igoe Don Coleman Brian Jepson 江良志 譯 / Publisher: 歐萊禮
深入淺出 iPhone 與 iPad 開發, 3/e (涵蓋 iOS7 與 Xcode 5) (Head First iPhone and iPad Development: A Learner's Guide to Creating Objective-C Applications for the iPhone and iPad, 3/e)
Author: Dan Pilone / Publisher: 歐萊禮
Android Developer Tools 深入精要 (Android Developer Tools Essentials: Android Studio to Zipalign)
Author: Mike Wolfson 呂明澤 譯 / Publisher: 歐萊禮
Effective Objective-C 2.0 中文版-改善 iOS 與 OS X 程式的 52 個具體做法 (Effective Objective-C 2.0)
Author: Matt Galloway 楊仁和 譯 / Publisher: 碁峰資訊
Cocoa 學習手冊-使用 Objective-C (第三版) (Learning Cocoa with Objective-C: Developing for the Mac and iOS App Stores, 3/e)
Author: Paris Buttfield-Addison Jonathon Manning 等 楊仁和 譯 / Publisher: 歐萊禮
iOS 安全防護 (Hacking and Securing iOS Applications: Stealing Data, Hijacking Software, and How to Prevent It)
Author: Jonathan Zdziarski 陳佳新 譯 / Publisher: 歐萊禮
精通 iOS 程式設計, 2/e (Learning iOS Programming: From Xcode to App Store, 2/e)
Author: Alasdair Allan 賴榮樞 譯 / Publisher: 歐萊禮
Android 程式設計, 2/e (Programming Android: Java Programming for the New Generation of Mobile Devices, 2/e)
Author: Zigurd Mednieks Laird Dornin G. Blake Meike Masumi Nakamura 陳佳新 譯 / Publisher: 歐萊禮
徹底研究 iPhone、Android、Windows Phone、BlackBerry 手機專用網頁及網站設計最佳實踐與設計精粹, 2/e
Author: 張亞飛 / Publisher: 上奇資訊