맨 섹션 (man sections)

문제 설명

맨 섹션 (man sections)

맨 페이지의 특정 섹션에 어떻게 액세스합니까?

참조 솔루션

방법 1:

Put the section number in front of the item you want to reference. For example, to access the sysctl function from the library section, you can write:

man 3 sysctl

and to access the sysctl tool from the system administrator's section, you would write:

man 8 sysctl

방법 2:

To add to what Jason said: if you're not sure what section something is in, you can also see all of the man pages for a given topic by typing

man ‑a topic

This is useful for topics such as printf, for which there is both a command and a C function that do similar things.

방법 3:

use the ‑s flag, for example:

man ‑s 2 read

you might like to look at

man intro

to get an idea of what's where.




(by kajacoJason CocoAdam RosenfieldRob Wells)

참조 문서

  1. man sections (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)


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맨 섹션 (man sections)

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