선택 목록 apex 4.2를 기반으로 필드를 동적으로 추가 (Dynamically add fields based on select list apex 4.2)

문제 설명

선택 목록 apex 4.2를 기반으로 필드를 동적으로 추가 (Dynamically add fields based on select list apex 4.2)

I'm developing in apex 4.2 and currently I'm having some issues with my form. I want to (dynamically) add textfields/regions based on the number that is selected in a selectlist.

So when I select 6, i want to see 6 regions with the same kind of textfields in it. Now i've made 6 regions myself and I have added some show/hide dynamic actions on it, but isn't there some kind of way to do this without having to manually add regions ?

참조 솔루션

방법 1:

I think you should create a process on your page when a button is pressed and run this PL/SQL anonymous procedure

FOR i IN 1..limit LOOP
APEX_ITEM.TEXT(P_IDX        => 1,
   p_value      =>'array element '||i ,
   p_size       =>32,
   p_maxlength  =>32);

the variable "limit" is catched from you're select list. this example is for creating textfileds dynamicaly althougth you can what ever item you want from the APEX_ITEM API , so here is the link http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E37097_01/doc.42/e35127/apex_item.htm#AEAPI192.

(by Elvira Taoufik RIFAI)

참조 문서

  1. Dynamically add fields based on select list apex 4.2 (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#add #regions #selectlist #oracle-apex

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