텍스트 모드(pdu 아님)에서 at-command로 아랍어 SMS를 보내는 방법 (how to send arabic sms with at-command in text mode (not pdu))

문제 설명

텍스트 모드(pdu 아님)에서 at‑command로 아랍어 SMS를 보내는 방법 (how to send arabic sms with at‑command in text mode (not pdu))

텍스트 모드(pdu 아님)에서 at‑command로 아랍어 SMS를 보내고 배달 보고서를 받을 수 있습니까?

참조 솔루션

방법 1:

It depends on what the device supports. The AT interface itself is ASCII only, so if you want to do anything other than ASCII text you need a device that provides you a way to put Arabic text over that interface ‑ effectively an encoding scheme, at which point you might as well be using PDU mode anyway.

방법 2:

You could put the modem in HEX mode with AT+CSCS="HEX", turn on delivery report with AT+CNMI command, and encode your message in unicode format for AT+CMGS command. Each character should be represented by four hexadecimal digits.

(by mahdi VickyiMan Biglari)

참조 문서

  1. how to send arabic sms with at‑command in text mode (not pdu) (CC BY‑SA 3.0/4.0)

#arabic #pdu #at-command #sms

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