Stateless EJB가 역직렬화될 때 @Resource 주석이 적용됩니까? (Is the @Resource annotation applied when a Stateless EJB is deserialized?)

문제 설명

Stateless EJB가 역직렬화될 때 @Resource 주석이 적용됩니까? (Is the @Resource annotation applied when a Stateless EJB is deserialized?)

EJB가 역직렬화될 때 메소드의 @Resource 주석이 적용됩니까? 컨테이너에 의해 지속되는 EJB 타이머가 있으며 EJB가 역직렬화될 때 일시적인 TimerService(직렬화할 수 없음)가 다시 주입되는지 알고 싶습니다.

참조 솔루션

방법 1:

Perhaps this articles help:

  • Stateless Session Bean: the stateless session EJB is injected at creation time, and keeps it's resources along its life time.

  • Stateful Session Bean: It seems that the dependency injection only occurs at creation time. Anyway, after activation, the @PostActivate callback Handler is invoked, where you could recover your transient elements.

Edit for adding the Java EE Tutorial link on this subject, which confirms what is exposed:

So, as a conclusion, the answer is no, the container won't inject again your transient resources after activation, but you can implement a PostActivate handler to do it by your own means.

(by n002213fTomas Narros)

참조 문서

  1. Is the @Resource annotation applied when a Stateless EJB is deserialized? (CC BY‑SA 3.0/4.0)

#jakarta-ee #ejb-3.0 #java

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