Dotnet Core 3.1, EF1001: 내부 ef 코어 API 사용 (Dotnet Core 3.1, EF1001: internal ef core api usage)

문제 설명

Dotnet Core 3.1, EF1001: 내부 ef 코어 API 사용 (Dotnet Core 3.1, EF1001: internal ef core api usage)

2.2에서 Dotnet Core 3.1로 업그레이드된 EF 코어는 내 프로젝트에 느낌표를 넣어 EF1001: 내부 ef 코어 API 사용에 대해 계속 불평했습니다.

하지만 오류/경고 없음 컴파일 중에 표시됩니다. 어떤 코드 라인이 문제를 일으키는지 모르겠습니다.

사용하지 않는 API/메소드를 어떻게 알 수 있는지 알 수 있을까요?

참조 솔루션

방법 1:

The warnings from these analyzers can be really confusing. If I understand this correctly, the issue is not what it seems.

The message with the gray warning icon inside the analyzer is normal and indicates what the analyzer is checking. See the Analyzers in Solution Explorer documentation for an explanation.

Analyzer diagnostics

If you are experiencing yellow icons on the parent node ("Analyzers") try to unload/reload the project, or maybe open Visual Studio in admin mode. See the answer to "Analyzers warnings in ASP.NET Core 2.2 project in VS2019 " for details.

If you don't see a warning in the error list then I advise you to ignore that.

The GitHub issue "Confusing analyzer warnings in solution explorer with no way to see any details" provides additional information on this.

방법 2:

Are you using a database provider (i.e. packages for SQLServer, Postgres, etc)?

It sounds like you are saying there is some warning being given with your dependencies. I know Microsoft announced some breaking changes, mainly for database providers, with EF Core with the 3.0+ updates. Could be as simple as updating the other packages in your project.

Just guessing, I could very well be wrong.

방법 3:

figure it out for me, was getting the same warning,

it was using an entity framework namespace

(using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Internal;) and not

using System.Linq; which was extremely odd as I didn't add the Ef one at all.

which is why I was so confused and started googling and how i got to this page.

(by s kRafikijdewerthSeabizkit)

참조 문서

  1. Dotnet Core 3.1, EF1001: internal ef core api usage (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0) #entity-framework-core

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