종이 Itext7에서 첫 번째 줄과 마지막 줄 속성을 제거합니다. (Remove the first and last lines properties in the paper Itext7)

문제 설명

종이 Itext7에서 첫 번째 줄과 마지막 줄 속성을 제거합니다. (Remove the first and last lines properties in the paper Itext7)

t.setRise(+‑) 가 필드 용지를 벗어나면 Text(setRise) 에서 속성을 제거해야 합니다.

    PdfDocument pdfDoc = new PdfDocument(pdfWriter);
    Document doc = new Document(pdfDoc, PageSize.A5);
    for (int i = 0; i <50 ; i++) {
        Text t = new Text("hello " + i);
        if(i ==0){
    Paragraph p = new Paragraph(t);
    p.setNextRenderer(new ParagraphRen(p,doc));


class ParagraphRen extends ParagraphRenderer{
private float heightDoc;
private float marginTop;
private float marginBot;

public ParagraphRen(Paragraph modelElement, Document doc) {
    this.heightDoc =doc.getPdfDocument().getDefaultPageSize().getHeight();
    this.marginTop = doc.getTopMargin();
   this.marginBot = doc.getBottomMargin();


public void drawChildren(DrawContext drawContext) {
    Rectangle rect = this.getOccupiedAreaBBox();
    List<IRenderer> childRenderers = this.getChildRenderers();
    //check first line
    if(rect.getTop()<=heightDoc‑ marginTop) {
        for (IRenderer iRenderer : childRenderers) {
            if (iRenderer.getModelElement().hasProperty(72)) {
            Object property = iRenderer.getModelElement().getProperty(72);
            float v = (Float) property + rect.getTop();
            //check text  more AreaPage
            if(v >heightDoc){

    //check last line
        for (IRenderer iRenderer : childRenderers) {

            if (iRenderer.getModelElement().hasProperty(72)) {
                Object property = iRenderer.getModelElement().getProperty(72);

                      //if setRise(‑..) more margin bottom  setRise remove
                if(rect.getBottom()‑marginBot‑rect.getHeight()+(Float) property<0)




여기서 setRise가 있는 첫 번째 줄이 용지 영역보다 더 많은지 확인합니다. setRise 속성을 제거합니다.

그리고 serRise(‑35)가 있는 마지막 줄이 여백 하단보다 많으면 제거합니다.

하지만 작동하지 않습니다. 속성은 제거되지 않습니다.

참조 솔루션

방법 1:

Your problem is as follows: drawChildren method gets called after rendering has been done. At this stage iText usually doesn't consider properties of any elements: it just places the element in its occupied area, which has been calculated before, at layout() stage.

You can overcome it with layout emulation.

Let's add all your paragraphs to a div rather than directly to the document. Then emulate adding this div to the document:

LayoutResult result = div.createRendererSubTree().setParent(doc.getRenderer()).layout(new LayoutContext(new LayoutArea(0, PageSize.A5)));

In the snippet above I've tried to layout our div on a A5‑sized document.

Now you can consider the result of layout and change some elements, which will be then processed for real with Document#add. For example, to get the 30th layouted paragraph one can use:


Some more tips: split renderer represent the part of the content which iText can place on the area, overflow ‑ the content which overflows.

(by heavywarUladzimir Asipchuk)

참조 문서

  1. Remove the first and last lines properties in the paper Itext7 (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#itext #itext7 #java

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