ActiveCell..Offset(-1,0)=을 사용하는 If/And/Then/Else 문의 VBA 문제= (VBA Issue with If/And/Then/Else statement using ActiveCell..Offset(-1,0)=)

문제 설명

ActiveCell..Offset(‑1,0)=을 사용하는 If/And/Then/Else 문의 VBA 문제= (VBA Issue with If/And/Then/Else statement using ActiveCell..Offset(‑1,0)=)

C열의 셀을 선택하고 그 위의 두 셀이 0인지 확인하고 싶습니다. 두 셀이 0이면 ActiveCell을 1로 지정하고 싶습니다. 그렇지 않으면 ActiveCell을 0으로 지정하고 싶습니다. 그런 다음 초기 셀에서 3 아래에 있는 셀을 선택하고 이 과정을 반복하고 싶습니다. 나는 이것을 773번 하고 싶다. 내가 겪고있는 문제는 IF/AND 섹션에 있으며 1을 선택해야 할 때에도 항상 0을 선택합니다. 내가 뭘 잘못했는지 알 수 있습니다. CSV에서 변환된 Excel 파일에서 작업 중입니다.


For i = 1 To 773

If ActiveCell.Offset(‑1, 0).Value = “0” And ActiveCell.Offset(‑2, 0).Value = “0” Then
ActiveCell = "1" Else
ActiveCell = "0"

ActiveCell.Offset(3, 0).Select

Next i

참조 솔루션

방법 1:

It is best to avoid Activate and Select. Also, you can step the increment without having to add to the selection.

Sub test()

    Dim sht As Workbook
    Set sht = ActiveWorkbook 'or actual sheet name

    For i = 4 To 773 Step 3

    If sht.Cells(i ‑ 1, 4).Value = 0 And sht.Cells(i ‑ 2, 4).Value = 0 Then
        sht.Cells(i, 4) = 1
            sht.Cells(i, 4) = 0
    End If

    Next i

End Sub

방법 2:

Testing a Range

  • The unexpected result (zeros) is due to the use of "0" which cannot be found.

  • </ul>

    Option Explicit
    ' Not recommended. Note how slow it is compared to the other solutions.
    ' The trick is in avoiding using "Select" and any 'flavor' of "Active".
    ' Runtime: 2100ms (over 2 seconds)
    Sub testQuickFix()
        Dim i As Long
        For i = 1 To 773
            ' This has to be one line: note the line separators ('_').
            If ActiveCell.Offset(‑1, 0).Value = 0 _
                And ActiveCell.Offset(‑2, 0).Value = 0 Then _
                ActiveCell = 1 Else _
                ActiveCell = 0
            ActiveCell.Offset(3, 0).Select
        Next i
    End Sub
    ' Highly recommended, but maybe too advanced (You should learn about arrays).
    ' Note that this is only useful if the data are values, not formulas, because
    ' the whole range is overwritten.
    ' Runtime: 5ms
    Sub testArray()
        Dim rg As Range: Set rg = Range("C2:C2320")
        Dim Data As Variant: Data = rg.Value
        Dim i As Long
        For i = 1 To UBound(Data, 1) Step 3
            If Data(i, 1) = 0 And Data(i + 1, 1) = 0 Then
                Data(i + 2, 1) = 1
                Data(i + 2, 1) = 0
            End If
        Next i
        rg.Value = Data
    End Sub
    ' Recommended.
    ' Runtime: 80ms
    Sub testIfThenElseEndIf()
        Dim rg As Range: Set rg = Range("C2:C4")
        Dim i As Long
        For i = 1 To 773
            ' This is considered more readable and is mostly used on SO.
            If rg(1).Value = 0 And rg(2).Value = 0 Then
                rg(3).Value = 1
                rg(3).Value = 0
            End If
            ' It is short for:
    '        If rg.Cells(1).Value = 0 And rg.Cells(2).Value = 0 Then
    '            rg.Cells(3).Value = 1
    '        Else
    '            rg.Cells(3).Value = 0
    '        End If
            ' which I actually prefer.
            Set rg = rg.Offset(3)
        Next i
    End Sub
    ' Not recommended.
    ' Runtime: 80ms
    Sub testIfThenElse()
        Dim rg As Range: Set rg = Range("C2:C4")
        Dim i As Long
        For i = 1 To 773
            ' This is valid, but rarely seen on SO.
            ' Note that this is one line.
            'If rg(1).Value = 0 And rg(2).Value = 0 Then rg(3).Value = 1 Else rg(3).Value = 0
            ' Note that this is also one line, but uses a line separator.
            If rg(1).Value = 0 And rg(2).Value = 0 Then rg(3).Value = 1 _
                Else rg(3).Value = 0
            Set rg = rg.Offset(3)
        Next i
    End Sub
    ' (A little less) recommended.
    ' Runtime: 80ms
    Sub testIIF()
        Dim rg As Range: Set rg = Range("C2:C4")
        Dim i As Long
        For i = 1 To 773
            ' This is another way.
            rg(3).Value = IIf(rg(1).Value = 0 And rg(2).Value = 0, 1, 0)
            Set rg = rg.Offset(3)
        Next i
    End Sub

    (by Pat BerriganDarrell HVBasic2008)

    참조 문서

    1. VBA Issue with If/And/Then/Else statement using ActiveCell..Offset(‑1,0)= (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#vba #excel

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