이미지를 Picturebox(VB6의 이미지)에서 문자열(Base64)로 변환하는 방법은 무엇입니까? (How to convert Image from a Picturebox(Image in VB6) to String(Base64)?)

문제 설명

이미지를 Picturebox(VB6의 이미지)에서 문자열(Base64)로 변환하는 방법은 무엇입니까? (How to convert Image from a Picturebox(Image in VB6) to String(Base64)?)

좋은 아침입니다.

Image3이라는 컨트롤이 있는 프로그램이 vb6에 있습니다. 이제 이 컨트롤이 이미지를 갖게 하려면 해당 이미지를 검색해야 합니다. 가급적이면 .jpg 파일은 내 SQL에 저장할 것이기 때문에 그렇게 할 필요가 없습니다. 왜냐하면 많은 이미지가 확실히 저장될 것이기 때문에 가까운 장래에 시스템이 느려질 것이기 때문입니다. (나를 위해) 가장 좋은 방법은 문자열로 변환하거나 그 반대로 변환하는 것입니다. 솔직히 저는 이 질문을 하고 싶지 않습니다. 검색 가능하고 그에 맞는 코드가 IO.MemoryStream이기 때문입니다. 제 문제는 참조에서 볼 수 없다는 것입니다. 이제 새 것을 다운로드하려고 하지만 VB6에서 이를 수락하지 않습니다.

누가 이 파일로 나를 밝혀줄 수 있습니까? 이미지를 문자열로 변환하는 다른 방법입니다.

참조 솔루션

방법 1:

Already done with the this question and to those want the same as I did here is the full code.

Private Sub Image3_DblClick()

CommonDialog1.InitDir = App.Path
CommonDialog1.FileName = ""
CommonDialog1.Filter = "Image files|*.jpg;"
CommonDialog1.DialogTitle = "All Picture Files"

If CommonDialog1.FileName <> "" Then

        Dim arrImageByte() As Byte
        Dim bytBuf() As Byte
        Dim fNum As Integer
        Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
        Dim strPhotoPath As String
        Dim FileInputData As String
        Dim s As String

        Image3.Picture = LoadPicture(CommonDialog1.FileName)
        strPhotoPath = CommonDialog1.FileName

        ReDim arrImageByte(FileLen(strPhotoPath))
        fNum = FreeFile()
        Open strPhotoPath For Binary As #fNum
        Get #fNum, , arrImageByte
        Close fNum

        Open CommonDialog1.FileName For Binary As #1
        FileInputData = String(LOF(1), 0)
        Get #1, 1, FileInputData
        Close #1

        bytBuf = FileInputData

        s = CryptoBase64.Encode(bytBuf)

        Text8.Text = s


End If

‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑Class Module‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑

Option Explicit
Private Const CLASS_EXCEPT_BASE As Long = &H8004E300

Public Enum CryptoBase64ExceptEnum
  cbxGetOSVersFailed = CLASS_EXCEPT_BASE
End Enum

Public Enum Base64FormatEnum
  bfmtCrLF = 0
End Enum

Public Enum OSVersionEnum
  osvWinXP = 501
  osvWinVista = 600
End Enum

Private Const VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT As Long = 2

  dwOSVersionInfoSize As Long
  dwMajorVersion As Long
    ' Operating System     Value
    ' Windows 3.1            3
    ' Windows 95             4
    ' Windows 98             4
    ' Windows Me             4
    ' Windows NT 3.51        3
    ' Windows NT 4.0         4
    ' Windows 2000           5
    ' Windows XP             5
    ' Windows .Net Server    5
    ' Windows 2003 Server    5
    ' Windows 2003 R2 Server 5
    ' Windows Vista          6
    ' Windows 2008 Server    6
  dwMinorVersion As Long
    ' Operating System     Value
    ' Windows 3.1            1
    ' Windows 95             0
    ' Windows 98             10
    ' Windows Me             90
    ' Windows NT 3.51        51
    ' Windows NT 4.0         0
    ' Windows 2000           0
    ' Windows XP             1
    ' Windows .Net Server    1
    ' Windows 2003 Server    2
    ' Windows 2003 R2 Server 2
    ' Windows Vista          0
    ' Windows 2008 Server    0
    dwBuildNumber As Long
    dwPlatformId As Long
    szCSDVersion As String * 128

  'Extended information (optional), i.e. OSVERSIONINFOEX:
  wServicePackMajor As Integer
  wServicePackMinor As Integer
  wSuiteMask As Integer
  wProductType As Byte
    ' Operating System     Value
    ' NT Workstation         1
    ' NT Domain Controller   2
    ' NT Server              3
  wReserved As Byte
End Type

Private Declare Function GetVersionEx Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetVersionExA" (lpVersionInformation As OSVERSIONINFO) As Long

Private Const CRYPT_STRING_BASE64 As Long = 1
Private Const CRYPT_STRING_NOCR As Long = &H80000000
Private Const CRYPT_STRING_NOCRLF As Long = &H40000000

Private Declare Function CryptBinaryToString Lib "Crypt32" Alias "CryptBinaryToStringW" _
 (ByRef pbBinary As Byte, _
  ByVal cbBinary As Long, _
  ByVal dwFlags As Long, _
  ByVal pszString As Long, _
  ByRef pcchString As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function CryptStringToBinary Lib "Crypt32" Alias "CryptStringToBinaryW" _
 (ByVal pszString As Long, _
  ByVal cchString As Long, _
  ByVal dwFlags As Long, _
  ByVal pbBinary As Long, _
  ByRef pcbBinary As Long, _
  ByRef pdwSkip As Long, _
  ByRef pdwFlags As Long) As Long

Private m_OSVersion As OSVersionEnum
Private m_lngBase64Format As Long
Public Property Get Base64Format() As Base64FormatEnum
 If m_lngBase64Format = 0 Then
   Base64Format = bfmtCrLF
 ElseIf m_lngBase64Format = CRYPT_STRING_NOCR Then
   Base64Format = bfmtLfOnly
   Base64Format = bfmtNone
 End If
End Property
Public Property Let Base64Format(ByVal Format As Base64FormatEnum)
 If Format = bfmtLfOnly Then
   If m_OSVersion < osvWinXP Then
     Err.Raise cbxWinXPOrLaterReqd, "CryptoBase64.Base64Format", "This format is only supported in Windows XP/2003 and later"
     m_lngBase64Format = CRYPT_STRING_NOCR
   End If
 ElseIf Format = bfmtNone Then
   If m_OSVersion < osvWinVista Then
     Err.Raise cbxWinVistaOrLaterReqd, "CryptoBase64.Base64Format", "This format is only supported in Windows Vista/2008 and later"
     m_lngBase64Format = CRYPT_STRING_NOCRLF
   End If
   m_lngBase64Format = 0
 End If
End Property
Public Function Decode(ByRef Base64Buf As String) As Byte()
 Dim lngOutLen As Long
 Dim dwActualUsed As Long
 Dim bytBuf() As Byte

 ' Determine output buffer length required. Note:
 ' StrPtr(vbNullString) is just a way to get a null pointer,
 ' even though we're really talking about a Byte array here.
 CryptStringToBinary StrPtr(Base64Buf), _
                     Len(Base64Buf), _
                     CRYPT_STRING_BASE64, _
                     StrPtr(vbNullString), _
                     lngOutLen, _
                     0&, _

 ' Convert Base64 to binary.
 ReDim bytBuf(lngOutLen ‑ 1)

 If CryptStringToBinary(StrPtr(Base64Buf), _
                        Len(Base64Buf), _
                        CRYPT_STRING_BASE64, _
                        VarPtr(bytBuf(0)), _
                        lngOutLen, _
                        0&, _
                        dwActualUsed) = 0 Then
   Err.Raise cbxStringToBinaryFailed, "CryptoBase64.Decode", "CryptStringToBinary failed, error " & CStr(Err.LastDllError)
   Decode = bytBuf
 End If

 'Open App.Path & "\MyTestGif.gif" For Binary As #1
 'Put #1, 1, Decode
 'Close #1

End Function
Public Function Encode(ByRef BinaryBuf() As Byte) As String
 Dim bytBuf() As Byte
 Dim lngOutLen As Long
 Dim strBase64 As String

 'Determine Base64 output String length required.
 CryptBinaryToString BinaryBuf(0), _
                     UBound(BinaryBuf) + 1, _
                     CRYPT_STRING_BASE64 Or m_lngBase64Format, _
                     StrPtr(vbNullString), _

 'Convert binary to Base64.
 Encode = String(lngOutLen, 0)

 If CryptBinaryToString(BinaryBuf(0), _
                        UBound(BinaryBuf) + 1, _
                        CRYPT_STRING_BASE64 Or m_lngBase64Format, _
                        StrPtr(Encode), _
                        lngOutLen) = 0 Then

   Err.Raise cbxBinaryToStringFailed, "CryptoBase64.Encode", "CryptBinaryToString failed, error " & CStr(Err.LastDllError)
    End If
End Function
Public Property Get OSVersion() As OSVersionEnum
 OSVersion = m_OSVersion
End Property
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
 Dim osvinfData As OSVERSIONINFO

 With osvinfData
   .dwOSVersionInfoSize = Len(osvinfData)
   .szCSDVersion = ""

   If GetVersionEx(osvinfData) = 0 Then
     Err.Raise cbxGetOSVersFailed, "CryptoBase64 Initialize", "GetVersionEx failed, error " & CStr(Err.LastDllError)
   End If

   If .dwPlatformId <> VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT Then
     Err.Raise cbxNotNT, "CryptoBase64 Initialize", "CryptoAPI is only available on NT‑based OSs"
   End If

   m_OSVersion = .dwMajorVersion * 100 + .dwMinorVersion
 End With

 Base64Format = bfmtCrLF
End Sub

Just add picbox,button and and a module for this to work

(by Shadow FiendShadow Fiend)

참조 문서

  1. How to convert Image from a Picturebox(Image in VB6) to String(Base64)? (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#image #SQL #vb6

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